Why We`re Moving PyData Johannesburg to CityROCK#
For the past year, PyData Johannesburg has been graciously hosted at Microsoft in Bryanston. It’s been a great setting to reboot our community, but as we’ve grown, it’s time to switch things up. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that future PyData Johannesburg events will now be hosted at CityROCK. The change isn’t just about location; it’s a reflection of who we are as a community and where we’re heading. Here’s why CityROCK is the perfect fit for us:
1. Freedom of Movement: Scaling New Ideas In climbing, each climber finds their own route, choosing which holds to grip and when to push forward. This freedom reflects what PyData is all about: the ability to explore different paths in data science, discovering new insights, and building creative solutions. CityROCK offers the physical space for this kind of intellectual movement, allowing attendees to break free from the more rigid environments of traditional conference spaces. Like scaling a climbing wall, working in data science requires agility, exploration, and the freedom to chart your own course.
2. Embracing Diversity: Many Holds, Many Routes At CityROCK, the diversity of climbing holds reflects the variety of paths available for all climbers, regardless of skill level. This speaks directly to our mission at PyData Johannesburg. Our community is a mix of professionals, academics, hobbyists, and beginners from diverse backgrounds, all coming together to learn and grow. Just as CityROCK offers multiple climbing routes for all abilities, PyData is a place where everyone can find their footing - whether you’re scaling the heights of machine learning or just getting started with Python.
3. Sharing the Wall, Sharing Knowledge Climbing is more than an individual sport - it’s a collaborative effort. Climbers watch each other, give tips, and share strategies. Similarly, PyData is built on the idea of sharing knowledge. Whether it’s through a technical talk, a spontaneous conversation during a break, or pair programming during a hackathon, the heart of our community lies in collective learning. Just as climbers at CityROCK share the wall and support each other’s progress, we come together at PyData to share ideas, solve problems, and celebrate our shared journey up the data science “wall.”
Our move to CityROCK symbolises much more than a new venue; it’s about embracing the freedom, diversity, and spirit of sharing that define both the climbing and data science communities. So, come join us as we continue to climb new heights - both figuratively and literally - at CityROCK!